Bancassurance Sales Training Masterclass November Live Online
12 November 2013 - 14 November 2013
Manila, Phillippines

Your Expert Trainer

International Bancassurance, Insurance Distribution & Wealth Product Development ExpertOver 30 Years of Experience in Bancassurance Sales!

International Bancassurance, Insurance Distribution & Wealth Product Development ExpertOver 30 Years of Experience in Bancassurance & Retail Financial Services SALES &..

About Your Expert Trainer


Effective sales training doesn’t just help to create skilled, motivated and profitable agency force—and, by extension, an equally profitable Bancassurance channel. It also helps attract the right people to you in the first place. Bancassurers that provide robust, comprehensive, ongoing training attract and retain the best candidates. It stands to reason if you invest in their long term growth and support their aspirations for success, then they will, in turn, invest in your long term growth and your aspirations for success.

This sales training masterclass is specially designed to equip you and your bancassurance sales teams with key resources and skills, in the context of Bancassurance, that will assist you in building and maintaining an effective Bancassurance sales agency channel.

Who Should Attend?

Despite the ever-increasing impact of technology, it is probably still true for most Bancassurers that your Branch based sales force are still on the front line of your Bancassurance strategy. Your Branch sales force are the ones most responsible for attracting and retaining customers. Properly equipped and motivated, they are also the ideal brand ambassadors for Bancassurance, both to your clients and your staff, because they should be highly invested not just in their own success, but in the success of your broader Bancassurance strategy as well. Yet while they may be expected to source and generate leads and new business independently, they don’t operate in a vacuum, they are highly dependent on the co-operation of their banking colleagues and the effectiveness of the overall Bancassurance strategy.  Your sales agents need more than just your Bank’s brand and a seat in the branch to succeed. They need the ‘three-legged stool’ of: Skill, Motivation and Opportunity.

This masterclass is aimed at Managing Directors, Directors, Heads of Departments, Managers & Executives Senior responsible for:

  • Bancassurance Sales
  • Agency Sales
  • Branch Banking/Branch Management
  • Bancassurance/Insurance Distribution
  • Bancassurance/Insurance Marketing

Improve Sales! Why Attend?

  • Learn how to leverage the distribution capability that exist within your organisation.
  • Understand the what it takes to build a truly successful Bancassurance sales force.
  • Improve market share and profitability of your Bancassurance sales agents.
  • Strengthen sales management through ‘train the trainer’ style resources.
  • Learn how to build long run success through sales practices based on service, expertise and advice.
  • Recognise the importance of transparency, compliance and customer focus in building a sustainable Bancassurance sales force.
  • Learn the secret to success of successful insurance sellers
  • Understand the opportunities from effectively working together to build client propositions with customer facing bank staff such as loan managers.
  • Consider the role of a sales agent in the Bancassurance value chain – value adding trusted advisor or a distributor of product?
  • The importance of recruiting and nurturing the right people for the job
  • The sales agent, the branch and the branch manager- getting the relationship and the balance right
  • Understand the ‘3 right’s of Bancassurance for the Branch Staff 1: Asking the ‘do you need insurance?’ question effectively 2: A referral process that works 3: Recognition and reward programs that actually motivate them to support Bancassurance and make referrals.

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Bancassurance Sales Training Masterclass November Live Online
03 November 2020 - 05 November 2020
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